Thursday, December 20, 2007

"How come you ain't got no brothers up on the wall??"

Because. That's why. Just because. Because Buggin' Out made a WAAAAYYYYYY bigger deal out of that than it had to be. If I could have stepped into that movie, I would have told him to chill out. Which isn't to say that he would have listened to me. I almost feel like he was just as much of a racist as he thought Sal was. He was all preachy about how there should be pictures of famous black men on the wall and that they deserved to be recognized just as much. But then there was that incident with the biker and his Air Jordan's. Buggin' Out when on this huge rant about how the white guy shouldn't live there because it's a neighborhood only for black people or something like that. He needs to sort himself out. If a man is going to be so hardcore on one issue, he shouldn't be flip flopping. One minute he's all "pro-integration" and the next minute he's up in this white guys face for living in a black neighborhood. Clearly this man is confused. At the same time, I feel like Sal is in the same boat. For the most part he is nice to everyone and is very forgiving. However he does have his moments. Now obviously he is a bit less radical than Buggin' Out, but I think he's just as guilty of being confused about what he really feels. He claims to love the people in the neighborhood, but for some reason he refuses to put pictures of black people on the walls. What is that all about? If you love them so much then what's the problem with a few pictures? Nothing. That's what. The point is that both of these men seem to share an equal hatred for one another. Sal just appears to be a little better at hiding it or "keeping it at bay" than Buggin' Out. These men need to learn to keep the peace. It's clear that there are things they don't like about each other. But in order for everyone to get along, there has to be a point at which you say "fine, he's not going to change and I'm not going to change. Whatever. I'm not going to let that get between us." (Add finished thought here...) ~PSH

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