Tuesday, November 13, 2007

"What do you want?" ::::SMACKDOWN::::

Overall I liked Out of the Past. It kept me interested right up to the end. I wasn't really sure where the plot was going or what was going to happen. I think Jeff was my favorite character. He seemed like the guy who had his head on the straightest. Not to mention the fact that he took that guy out with one left hand to the face. The other characters were all too wishy-washy for me, especially Kathie. I mean, what a...well...the word I would use is inappropriate, but you can probably guess. She was just way too two-faced, and manipulative. I guess I’m a little confused about the plot though. So at first what we’re getting is Jeff’s account of the past? And then later we’re getting what’s going on in the present? Could somebody clarify please??


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