Thursday, March 20, 2008

Akira Kurosawa

One thing that I noticed about Kurosawa's movies were his interesting use of sound. There were always plenty of scenes that included very long sequences that had little to no sound. I think this is effective in creating a bit of suspense. When you take out all sound in a scene, it forces the viewer to focus on the images in front of them. This also allows the director to be a bit more creative in what he does with the images. Perhaps he can add some sort of visual queue that turns the scene in to an unrestricted narration of whats going on. Basically the use of silence or limited "noise" allows the director to be more creative without bombarding the viewer with too much information. ~PSH

1 comment:

Asian said...

nice, short but sweet
I thought of the suspence factor into the little to no sound use in certain scenes but not the way you describe it. good work